

Are you feeling battered by the storms of life? Do you long for a little slice of peace amid the chaos you are facing today? Proverbs 10:25, ESV, states, “When the tempest is passed, the wicked is no more, but the righteous is established forever.” A tempest is not just an ordinary storm. It is violent, with strong winds, fierce waves and unimaginably destructive forces. A violent storm causes damage. I picture hurricanes, tsunamis, and tornadoes. These phenomena leave wreckage in their wakes and though somewhat predictable, are unable to be prevented. The best one can do is batten down the hatches, seek shelter, and wait for them to pass. Sometimes getting out of their paths is possible, but whatever they pass over is damaged and broken, often damaged beyond repair.

The tempests in my life threaten destruction and wreak havoc. They leave a trail of shattered possessions and strip me of all that is not buried deeply enough to withstand the force of the raging storm. I cannot change the course of these things barreling down upon me. If I am wise, I can sometimes avoid them with choices that take me out of the worst of the trial, but facing storms is a part of life that I must learn to accept and find a way to survive with my faith intact.

I must have an action plan in place before the tempests rage against me. I must determine what is most precious to me and decide how best to protect it. I must know where I am to run for shelter because I do not always have advance warning. This shelter must be kept prepared and in order. I should practice gaining access and know it is always ready and available for use.

I must also be prepared for the fallout after the storm. There will be things that may be forever changed. Some storms leave you with no choice but to never go back to the way things were. There will be damage and loss to process. I must be prepared to allow myself time to grieve and to adjust to the change in the landscape of my life. How I approach this process will impact how I go forward. My progress will be measured by my ability to let go and accept the discomfort of change. If I cling to the ideal of the way things used to be, instead of embracing the potential beauty of the new, I impede my ability to progress and can get stuck.

Lord God Almighty, You are the foundation of my life. My plan is to trust You to see me through the tempest. No storm will ever move You or cause You to crumble. The deeper I go into the heart of Who You are, the stronger will be the bond of faith that enables me to withstand the fiercest winds that may come. My soul is firmly established in Your love and faithfulness. For You, O God, are my shelter, the safe place where I run for refuge. I store my treasures in Your kingdom, where no force of man or nature can uproot them. Though the tempest rage, I will not be overcome, for You hold me in Your hands.

I pray that You will guide me, as I steadfastly face the storms of my life. As I recover from them, teach me how to stay connected to Your heart through any changes I must accept because of the wreckage they have left behind. Show me how to rejoice in Your faithfulness, even if all my earthly treasures are destroyed. I place my worldly treasures in Your hands: my husband, my children, my granddaughter, my mother, my siblings, my musicality, my bent toward playing with words, etc. You have given them to me and I release them into Your caretaking. Do with them as You see best for Your glory, as storms threaten to wrench them from my grasp.

Please help me to store up heavenly treasures that can never be destroyed. Grant me wisdom to develop a trust in You that no earthquake can shake. Plant within me a faith that thrusts its roots deep within the solid rock of Your love for me that no wind can topple. When the floodwaters of grief or disappointment begin to rise, may my security in Your power to save me keep me from surrendering to the depths of despair. I am safe in Your hands, no matter how fierce are the storms that rage about me. You are always with me. The tempest will pass, but Your love and faithfulness will never leave me.

I pray that you begin to see the wisdom in developing a relationship with the Lord. He alone can help you recover from life’s storms. His love for you is the foundation that is left when the fierce winds of tragedy blow everything else away. You can cling to Him whenever life begins to crumble around you. You can trust Him to be your refuge. Your treasures are safe in His care. May you discover the peace that comes from trusting Him to take you safely through each storm that He wants to carry you through. May you be firmly established in Him in the midst of every tempest that comes your way.

Published by Terry Cotner

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